
李阳, 梁文天, 靳春胜, 董云鹏, 袁洪林, 张国伟. 2017. 秦岭沙沟街韧性剪切带的岩石磁学、磁组构和运动学涡度分析. 岩石学报, 33(6): 1919-1933.
引用本文: 李阳, 梁文天, 靳春胜, 董云鹏, 袁洪林, 张国伟. 2017. 秦岭沙沟街韧性剪切带的岩石磁学、磁组构和运动学涡度分析. 岩石学报, 33(6): 1919-1933.
LI Yang, LIANG WenTian, JIN ChunSheng, DONG YunPeng, YUAN HongLin, ZHANG GuoWei. 2017. Rock-magnetism, magnetic fabric and kinematic vorticity analysis of the Shagoujie shear zone, Qinling orogen. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 33(6): 1919-1933.
Citation: LI Yang, LIANG WenTian, JIN ChunSheng, DONG YunPeng, YUAN HongLin, ZHANG GuoWei. 2017. Rock-magnetism, magnetic fabric and kinematic vorticity analysis of the Shagoujie shear zone, Qinling orogen. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 33(6): 1919-1933.


  • 基金项目:

    本文受国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(41421002)、面上基金项目( 41672200)和西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室科技部专项经费(201210133、207010009)联合资助



    通讯作者: 梁文天,男,1981年生,副教授,主要从事区域构造与造山带研究,E-mail:wtliang@nwu.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: P545

Rock-magnetism, magnetic fabric and kinematic vorticity analysis of the Shagoujie shear zone, Qinling orogen

More Information
  • 秦岭商丹构造带内发育的晚三叠世沙沟街韧性剪切带蕴含大量地质信息,很好地记录了秦岭印支期碰撞造山过程。为了探究该剪切带的运动学特征及其动力学背景,在野外观测、显微构造分析的基础上,对其中发育的糜棱岩进行了磁组构和运动学涡度研究。岩石磁学和磁组构分析结果显示:样品的平均磁化率Km值总体较高,载磁矿物主要为磁铁矿等铁磁性矿物;磁化率各向异性度PJ值较大,表明构造变形较为强烈;形态参数T值多大于0,反映磁化率椭球体以扁球体为主;磁线、面理优势产状与野外观测到的矿物线、面理较为一致。结合磁组构、边界断层以及C面理产状,认为沙沟街韧性剪切带具有左行走滑挤压的运动学特征。运动学涡度Wk值及其分布特征表明,沙沟街剪切带中纯剪切作用所占的比重总体大于简单剪切作用,并且剪切带的核部应位于北界断层附近。综合分析认为,沙沟街韧性剪切带的运动学特征反映了总体斜向汇聚背景下的局部走滑挤压,与商丹带西段发育的同期韧性剪切带具有完全反向的运动学指向,这可能与碰撞导致的侧向挤出构造有关。

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  • 图 1 


    Figure 1. 

    Geological sketch map of the Shagoujie area

    图 2 


    Figure 2. 

    Field photographs and photomicrographs of the Shagoujie ductile shear zone

    图 3 


    Figure 3. 

    Histogram of mean susceptibility (a) and its distribution curve (b) of the Shagoujie shear zone

    图 4 


    Figure 4. 

    Hysteresis loops of representative samples of the Shagoujie shear zone

    图 5 


    Figure 5. 

    Hysteresis ratios on Day plot of the Shagoujie shear zone

    图 6 


    Figure 6. 

    IRM acquisition curves and back-field demagnetization curves of SIRM for representative sample

    图 7 


    Figure 7. 

    Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility (dark line show heating, whereas grey lines show cooling)

    图 8 


    Figure 8. 

    Histograms of PJ and T

    图 9 


    Figure 9. 

    Flinn-type plot of lnF vs. lnL

    图 10 


    Figure 10. 

    Diagram of Km vs. PJ, Km vs. T and PJ vs. T

    图 11 


    Figure 11. 

    Magnetic fabric patterns of the Shagou ductile shear zone

    图 12 


    Figure 12. 

    Kinematic vorticity patterns of the Shagoujie ductile shear zone

    图 13 

    横过剪切带的变形分解图(据Lin et al., 2007)

    Figure 13. 

    Diagram showing the localization and partitioning of deformation across shear zone (after Lin et al., 2007)

    图 14 


    Figure 14. 

    Geodynamic model for the formation of the Shagoujie ductile shear zone

    表 1 


    Table 1. 

    Magnetic data for the individual samples

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2 


    Table 2. 

    Kinematic vorticity of the Shagoujie ductile shear zone

    下载: 导出CSV

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