
侯增谦,赵志丹,高永丰,杨志明,江万. 印度大陆板片前缘撕裂与分段俯冲:来自冈底斯新生代火山-岩浆作用证据[J]. 岩石学报, 2006, 22(4): 761-774.
引用本文: 侯增谦,赵志丹,高永丰,杨志明,江万. 印度大陆板片前缘撕裂与分段俯冲:来自冈底斯新生代火山-岩浆作用证据[J]. 岩石学报, 2006, 22(4): 761-774.
HOU ZengQian~1 ZHAO ZhiDan~2 GAO YongFeng~3 YANG ZhiMing~1 JIANG Wan~4 1.Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Beijing 100037,China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China 3.Shjiazhuang Economic University,Hebei 050031,China 4.Institute of Geomechanism,Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Beijing 100081,China. Tearing and dischronal subduction of the Indian continental slab:Evidence from Cenozoic Gangdese volcano-magmatic rocks in south Tibet.[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2006, 22(4): 761-774.
Citation: HOU ZengQian~1 ZHAO ZhiDan~2 GAO YongFeng~3 YANG ZhiMing~1 JIANG Wan~4 1.Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Beijing 100037,China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China 3.Shjiazhuang Economic University,Hebei 050031,China 4.Institute of Geomechanism,Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Beijing 100081,China. Tearing and dischronal subduction of the Indian continental slab:Evidence from Cenozoic Gangdese volcano-magmatic rocks in south Tibet.[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2006, 22(4): 761-774.


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  • 青藏高原碰撞造山带不仅呈现南北不均一性,而且显示东西分段性。以横贯高原腹地的NNE向负磁异常带为界,将冈底斯分为三段。在宽约300km的负磁异常带为代表的中段,近SN向的裂谷和正断层系统、重要地震和现代热水活动、古新世林子宗火山岩系和中新世超钾质火山岩系、以及日喀则弧前盆地集中发育,伴有斑岩型Cu-Mo和成因独特的Au-Cu矿化;在85°E以西的西段,主要发育强烈逆冲推覆系、同碰撞期花岗岩和中新世钾质-超钾质火山岩系,伴有造山型Au矿化;而在90°E以东的东段,主要发育走滑断裂系、同碰撞期花岗岩和中新世埃达克质斑岩,伴有斑岩型Cu-Mo矿化。古新世林子宗火山岩的精细定年和地球化学特征揭示,印度大陆板片向北的俯冲-汇聚至少在50Ma前没有表现出明显的时间差异性。然而,中新世钾质-超钾质岩和大规模花岗岩基的时空分布和地球化学特征反映,印度大陆板片前缘可能发生撕裂,并发生分段式差异俯冲,西段(85°E以西)俯冲规模大,距离远,东段(90°E以东)俯冲规模小,可能未跨过雅江缝合带。沿着负磁异常带两侧的边界裂谷带,高SiO_2煌斑岩和念青唐古拉花岗岩基及相伴钾质火山岩的发育,揭示来源于软流圈地幔的岩浆和高热流穿过板片撕裂带并沿耦合上覆的裂谷带上涌,前者侵位和喷发,后者诱发地壳熔融。90°E与85°E之间的俯冲板片可能由于撕裂、断离和破碎,因而导致斜跨高原腹地的大面积通道式负磁异常带。
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收稿日期:  2005-12-20
修回日期:  2006-02-24
刊出日期:  2006-04-30
